Monday, December 1, 2008

How FaceBook Friend Adder Elite Can Work For You in Web 2.0

By Yomi A

Facebook has long been called the face of Web 2.0. Internet marketing gurus look at Facebook and say this is where the future of marketing on the internet is headed.

That is why Microsoft has recently paid about $240 million to acquire just about 2% of this comparatively smaller company. Microsoft putting its money on Facebook lends credence to what internet marketing gurus have been saying for a long time now.

While acquiring a stake in Facebook gives Microsoft a definite edge in the internet marketing space; it also shows that ordinary marketers can compete effectively with big businesses in Web 2.0.

Increasingly, the web is flattening out the advantages that big businesses have. Nowadays smaller businesses have the same tools that big businesses have at their disposal. This helps smaller companies create brands, market products and sell their wares in direct competition to the biggies.

Web 2.0 will make all this more rampant and will turn the tide in favor of smaller businesses. We will take an example of a Facebook tool to show you how.

How can Facebook work for you?

Facebook is a social networking community and has over 50 million members. While there are several other social networking sites, the key difference is that Facebook has over 5000 free applications.

In the world of web 2.0, you will be able to run applications from the Internet instead of your usual PC. Right now the things that you can do on the internet are limited and Facebook is increasingly stretching the limits and has thousands of applications to offer. This is where you come in. While it may not be possible for someone without the deep pockets of Microsoft to buy stake in Facebook, you can leverage these "applications" which have access to millions of users globally and reach out to a customer base that is bigger than you ever imagined.

The benefit of using Facebook is that it has become a virtual amusement park and continues to grow like a snowball. Since users get hooked on to it really fast, they boost the growth of the website at a rapid pace. Once someone is hooked, they invite their friends and relatives to create a Facebook profile too and the community keeps growing.

So your marketing message will continue to grow with the growth of Facebook itself. And Facebook is not restricted to USA, but is increasingly getting popular outside the US and bringing in more and more international users too.

Get in on the Facebook opportunity simply by purchasing Facebook Friend Adder Elite marketing software. Market with automated ease by sending mass friend requests, mass friend messages, and mass friend pokes. Triple your traffic and sales with the premier Facebook Friend Adder on the market! Quickly and effortlessly explode your business like the marketing gurus with this brand new, amazing software.

Revealed: The Impact and Issues Of Internet Marketing

By Richard Lee

Whatever strategy is adopted with respect to technology and marketing, skill development should be an immediate concern because of the long gestation period for investments in human resources. The emerging trend points towards a shift from the mass production of standard products, using narrowly-skilled workers, towards more specialized products using a broadly skilled workforce and universal, multi-purpose machines.

Skills and know-how not only have to be improved, but are also required in areas which transcend a traditional industrial framework, because managerial and marketing expertise are increasing in importance. Hence, in establishing training programmes and institutions, both the short and long-term skill requirements of the textile/garment sectors have to be considered. Moreover, the long-term trend for the textile and garments industries to diminish in importance as providers of employment for women, to be replaced by high-tech industries and the services sector, has to be offset by forward looking strategies for industrial human resources development.

As producers are not likely to invest in what appears as a high risk proposition in the present business environment, governments will have to assume the role of initiator, coordinator, and cost-sharing partner of R&D and training schemes. This is of crucial importance in the development of the relevant skills and know-how, as proved by the experience. At the same time, the experience of these countries shows that the business community - for its own good - should take an interest and participate in the design and execution of human resource development measures.

Fairly advanced technologies are beginning to make an impact on the large-scale textile industry. How marketing influences children and youth is the focus of the Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity? the most comprehensive review to date of the scientific evidence on the influence of food marketing on diets and diet-related health of children and youth. Current food and beverage marketing practices puts children's long-term health at risk. If children and youth are to develop eating habits that help them avoid early onset of diet-related chronic diseases, they have to reduce their intake of high-calorie, low-nutrient snacks, fast foods, and sweetened drinks, which make up a high proportion of the products marketed to them.

Recommendations for different segments of society to guide the development of effective marketing and advertising strategies those promote healthier foods, beverages, and meal options to children and youth. Recommendations are provided for the food beverage, and restaurant industries; food retailers and trade associations; the entertainment industry and the media; parents and caregivers; schools; and the government.

Traffic Generation and Website Marketing Strategies

By Profit Freak

As a small business owner, it is certain that you have at least thought about trying to market your business using internet marketing. With most households online now, the internet presents a great opportunity to reach a wider market share which cannot be ignored. However, like many business owners, you may not have thought out a plan for exactly how you can use the web to gain wider exposure for your business. Far too many businesses get into internet marketing without having a plan - how can your business succeed with internet marketing?

Traffic is essential to the success of your business online. It doesn't matter how great your company is and how wonderful of a product or service you have to offer - if no one is visiting your site. To make sure that your online presence is viable, you have to make sure that you are driving a large amount of traffic to your website.

The idea of internet marketing is to get the word out about your business to as many people as possible. While you likely will not get people to buy from you on their first visit to your site, you have the opportunity to make a good first impression and begin to build your brand by being consistent in the message of your internet marketing.

There are a number of different online marketing strategies which can work for your business. You can use pay per click ads, blogging and email marketing, among others. With pay per click ads, there is the benefit of having a nearly immediate increase in your traffic, but also the downside of having to pay for each hit on your site. While email marketing can allow you to reach thousands of people in seconds, you have to use this tool very carefully to avoid being seen as a spammer.

The biggest mistake that many new internet marketers make is investing everything in one method of traffic generation. When you're trying to build an online business, you need to employ several different methods to bring visitors to your site. When you only use one method, your success depends on the success of a particular item. This means that you don't really have guaranteed web site traffic.

For instance, if you go solely with pay per click advertising, your ads (and with them, your chances to sell) disappear for the day once your daily budget has been reached. Worse yet, if you didn't make a sale out of this pay per click directed traffic then this advertising money has been wasted.

The best way to approach internet marketing is to diversify your methods. If you like pay-per-click, that?s ok. Just use article marketing or blogging as well. This means that you will be more likely to succeed. If one method stops working, you?ll still have your backup methods that are sending you steady traffic.

By the same token, you should not diversify so much that your internet marketing strategy loses focus and you are not seeing any return for your efforts. Pick a few techniques which seem to best fit the needs of your business and stick with them. The more effort you put behind this, the better the result will be.

Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by all of the different techniques available to your business in the field of internet marketing. There is a lot to learn, but happily there are many resources available to help you get started. Just visit http://www.frequenttraffic .com for all the resources you need to begin building online success for your business today.

White Hat Video Marketing

By Scott S.

This is a guide I thought I would write after thinking a little while about all of the blackhat video marketing techniques that are out there. If you haven't already heard of these methods, then for a short explanation: You download videos, watermark them with the url of your site, re-upload them to youtube and other video sites. None of that is realy too blackhat though, and this method isn't very black hat either. In fact, this method is totally whitehat, until the end when you'll have the opportunity to choose between blackhat and whitehat traffic. This isn't a new method, this is just an under saturated area for marketers to use right now.

1) Write some sort of article on how to do something and post it to your blog/website/etc... (If you don't have one then don't worry about it).

For example; How to fix your xbox, how to neuter your dog, how to cheat on your wife and get away with it, or etc...

Then of course you'll want to monetize your blog and blog posts with affiliate links and adsense to maximize your profits. The more traffic your video gets, the more clicks to your website, more profit ($$$) you make in a factual theory sort of sense.

2. Tape yourself or your computer as you do the task that you are trying to teach people about. If I were to make a video for this article I would just show my screen as I viewed the article.. boring, but it works.

Popular softwares to use would be hypercam, camtasia, camstudio, or maybe fraps.

3. When you're finished with your video, open it in your video editing software. I usually just use windows movie maker, the video editing process is not very complicated.

4. First of all, now you have the option to narrate your entire video. Basically what I would do is read the blog post outloud, minus the parts where you might ask people to click the link, or sign up here, since they can't click really click on the video. If you wanted though, you could add annotations or links in the description for things you want them to sign up for.

5. Add the url of your website as a subtitle on your video. This way people will know where the video came from no matter how it is shared. You can include direct links to your website or blog post in the description of your video also.

6. Now is the crossroads between white and black hat. You could just let your videos sit there.. or do something worthwhile (I have no idea). Or you could go the black hat rout and just use software like Tube Automator to inrease the traffic to your videos.

Whatever you choose to do, this method could get you lot's of visitors, and a niche video channel that many people will subscribe to if you create informative videos. Good luck video-affiliate-marketers.

What You Should Know About PPC Management Services

By Steve Rollins Ned Christianson Phillip Blevens

In the quest for greater exposure and more visitors to your website, no one can afford to skip over using Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. Statistically, PPC is the most effect method of advertising on the Internet.

But there's a catch - PPC looks easy. I mean, all you have to do is sign up, set a budget, choose what you're willing to pay for clicks and pick some keywords. Your ad goes public almost immediately and potential customers can come directly to your website from the search engines. Pretty simple. But a lot of money and opportunities have been wasted by jumping into this seemingly simple arena unprepared.

In a matter of a few hours, a new PPC user can easily end up spending thousands of dollars and have nothing to show for it. Using a PPC Management Service can protect you by working within an agreed budget where they'll use their expertise on your behalf to get the results you are looking for. Working with a PPC Management Service can actually save you a LOT of money while boosting your visitors and conversions.

With the global economic situation showing no signs of improving, the average CPC (cost per click) price is increasing and that will make it difficult for amateurs to make using PPC pay. A professional PPC Management Service will use their experience to plan a strategy that works for you and your business, no matter the level of your business.

Because of its deceptively easy appearance, new PPC users should be warned. It is in the details of your ad campaigns where the success and failure will be determined. If you're not experienced in advertising through PPC, be very cautious. You would probably be better served to choose an experience PPC Management Service to serve you.

Doing this alone can be difficult because it's one thing to have more visitors because of your PPC campaign and quite another to actually convert them in buyers. An experienced PPC Management Company will be able to counsel you on both traffic (visitors) and conversions. Using their years of experience rather than the guesswork of an amateur, the results will be much better. - 17563

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