Friday, November 28, 2008

The Best Viral Marketing Idea Ever.

By Jim Spence

When I saw the title of a sales page dealing with Viral Marketing, I was skeptical of this type claim. Then I started reading about a new Viral Marketing Idea which was about as different as anyting that I had ever seen.

This viral marketing strategy starts with the e-book being given away for free without even asking for your e-mail address or name. That is almost unheard of in modern Internet Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is the most popular way of making money online. With thousands and thousands of products which you can promote and sell, the possibilities are almost endless. Some products have a generous percentage given to the affiliate. Some even 70-100% of the cost to the consumer.

The key to getting started with this revolutionary strategy is to pick an affiliate product which is something that would be considered to be an impulse type product that will solve a pressing problem for the end buyer. Once the niche and the product are chosen, other related and associated products are selected which have resale rights.

How important is high Search Engine placement? It used to be that you MUST be listed high in the Search Engines. Not anymore with this strategy. All marketing is done in a viral method. Free items are ALWAYS given away as an inducement.

Affiliate products are promoted by creating of e-documents which solve problems. The link to your affiliate products is woven throughout the document, in order to promote your affiliate products in a low key style.

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