Friday, November 28, 2008

The Truth About Global Resorts Network

By Eliza Mc Namara

Global Resorts Network is a business that was designed for people who want to get the best out of life without having to achieve success the traditional old fashioned way. Back in the day we would only be able to access what Global Resorts Network have to offer if we bought a timeshare with them. My how things have changed since then!

Now for a small fee you can have access to the best resorts in the world, FOREVER!

I find it amazing that they've managed to appeal to Travelers and Entrepreneurs all with one product!

Now anyone from any background can have as many holidays as they want IF they take advantage of the business opportunity that has been created. With $1000 upfront commissions they have taken the Network Marketing industry by storm. Global Resorts Network has created MILLIONAIRES!

Robert Kiyosaki said you get three types of people in this world, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who say "what happened!"

Here is a brief description of the three types, see where you fit in... Be Honest!

Type 1) Takes Action, Knows What They Want From Life. Is Successful and realizes that money is a good thing that can help them to help themselves and others to achieve their dreams. Success being the progressive realization of their worthy ideal. Doesn't have time to watch TV and go to the pub-They have better things to do.....!

Type 2) Moans about things they don't like without taking any action because they're too scared! Doesn't admit the fact that they want more from life, they think success comes to a 'lucky few' The harder they worked the luckier they got! Spends Most Of Their Time working to survive not thrive! And watching TV and talking about what they don't like so they can attract more of it! They don't know about the law of attraction!

Type 3) Doesn't even manage to survive properly, moans constantly and thinks that money is evil and that those who have money are evil because they're lazy low lifes!

Type 1 is the type of person that will succeed with Global Resorts Network because they will listen to those who have been there and done that, and they will more importantly TAKE ACTION. Because they know that "Nothing Happens Until Something Moves"

Watch this clip!

You Can Contact Eliza Mc Namara on 831 706 4354 or get a FREE copy of The 7 Secrets at - 17563

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